Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!

Avery had Harper join in on the dress up fun!

Easter Egg Hunt! Avery was pretty scared of the Easter Bunny and insisted on keeping the baskets outside on the front porch. She did not want him in her house at all. So...the eggs were all hidden outside as well. It was a little chilly the next morning finding them.

Leaving the baskets on the front porch. She even had a nightmare that night about the bunny in her house--woke up at 2:30 crying! I don't know why she is so afraid of him.

Coloring the eggs!

All dressed up for Easter Sunday. Hope everyone had a marvelous holiday!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Spring Break....and a little before

Avery went to 2 different high school plays in February, Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland. She really enjoyed them both! Happy Valentine's Day....a little late:)

We had a wonderful spring break! Erik and I were both off so we had a great time with the girls. We took the girls to the park before the parade. Harper loves the slide but will not swing.

We went to both the Lee's Summit and Kansas City St Patrick's Day parades. The KC one might have been a bit big for us! We will probably just stick to LS from now on, but it was fun.

Erik's basketball team had their end of the year banquet at the bowling alley. Harper loved the ball rack and Avery actually got into the bowling this year. She did much better once we put the bumpers on, but she said she wants to go again with all of her friends!

We went to the mall to play around for a little bit. The girls got to try an Orange Julius....they were a big hit!

Dance party on the steps while waiting for the carousel to turn on.

All of the excitement was really making poor Harper tired!!

For the most part we had beautiful weather but it did snow one day. Since it wasn't really all that cold out, we took Harper out to play too. She liked it way more than just standing at the window watching Avery play!

The snowman was already melted by that evening!
Aiden was giving Harper a little love!

Next Door get to make their own pizzas! They love it!
Erik and I took the girls to Crown Center one day. We went to Kaleidoscope and they both loved it. Harper didn't do any of the art stuff but there were a few sound rooms that she played in and one room that had pillows and books. She could look at books for hours!

Avery made several things there. It is such a neat place!

And of course what is a trip to Crown Center without Fritz's? Yummy!
The exhibit right now is Under the Sea. It was pretty cool.....lots of fish things and seaweed to walk through.
Family photo by the fountains
We went to the zoo for some friends' birthday party. It was a little chilly so we didn't stay long outside but we are looking forward to going back over the summer!

It was a great break and was hard to go back. Looking forward to summer now!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Birthday and Blizzard

Harper Lynn turned 1. We had a big party with family and was a full house! Harper is so lucky to be loved by so many people. She had a great time and got so many wonderful gifts. I just can't believe she is one already. The cake was her favorite part though I think! She did not hesitate at all on the cake. It was a good thing we took her cute dress off first!

On her actual birthday we had a snow day because of the big blizzard. It was nice though because we were all home together to celebrate. Avery gave Harper a little picnic basket and they have played with it for 2 days straight now...big hit!
We also made snow ice cream! It was actually not that bad and Avery had fun making it. Harper loved it though...she was so sad when Erik's bowl was empty!

The birthday girl watching it snow and snow and snow!

We have also had many forts constructed over the snow days. This one was upstairs and there is another big one in the basement.
This scooter was one of Harper's Christmas gifts from Uncle Nicky but I really think Avery is the one that gets the most enjoyment out of it. She rides it through the kitchen over and over and over again. And it is not so is really pretty loud. So with all these snow days that we have had, there has been A LOT of scooter riding! Thank you Uncle Nicky!!!

Avery finally got out to play in all the snow we got! She had a lot of fun playing on the "mountains of snow" as she called them.

They even made a fort in the snow....don't know what it is with the forts these days!
Hope everyone is staying warm and safe. We are ready for spring over here!!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Snow Days!

Avery was testing out the boats at the Sports Show. And then her and Chloe decided to try out the different RV beds! I think they found one they liked!

I worked really hard to get a good picture of the girls together. Instead I got 2 decent ones of them alone and an ok one of the 3 of us. Pictures are getting a little harder now that Harper can just walk away. Avery always tries really hard to hold her back but that usually makes both of them have not happy faces!
We went to dinner with some great friends and then to try out the new yogurt place in town, Orange Leaf. It was wondeful...definitely recommend it!

We have had SO many snow days!! We are on our 4th one in 2 weeks and it is looking like we might have another one later this week. It has been great being home with the kids though. Avery loves playing out in all of the snow! Erik took Avery and Chloe out sledding one day. It was too cold to go to the big hill but they had a great time on the little bump in the front yard! Harper likes to stand at Avery's window and watch them.

Hope everyone is staying warm!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

We had a big cookie decorating party to start off the holiday season. It was a full house but they had a good time. There were 8 big kids and 5 under the age of one! The kids did a book gift exchange and all played really well together.

Harper got baptized the week before Christmas. It was a special day and we were very blessed to have so much family there to celebrate with us.

I did not take any pictures on Christmas day! I don't know what happened there?? But we had a wonderful holiday and a great break from school! We spent a lot of time with family and friends. It all went so fast though.
This is from the last family gathering we had on New Year's Day. Avery and Chloe were playing "camp out" under the dining room table and they decided that their little sisters wanted to play too! Emma and Harper did not last very long but they had fun while they were there.
Too cute not to share!
We hope everyone had a great Christmas and we wish you all a Happy New Year!!
PS-one of my many resolutions is to be better about this:)