Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Last 5 Month Catch Up

SO........I have slacked off a little and have some catching up to do. Here are just a few pics and a few highlights of the past 5 months. Hopefully I will be better in 2011.

Avery continues to take gymnastics and is also taking dance classes. She loves them both!
Harper and Emma have started acknowledging each other and playing together. Harper is not always great with personal space and tends to be on top of Emma.....we are working on that!

Back to school for Avery....she loves it!
We took one last trip to the lake for Labor Day. Both girls love being down there.

Avery was Annie and Harper was Sandy, her dog. They were cute! Avery loved being Annie and claims she is going to be Annie every Halloween......we'll see about that!
We took a family trip to the Pumpkin Patch. Avery loved jumping in the hay.

Thanksgiving 2010
Just the girls being silly at home. If Avery isn't in her pjs, she is usually in a princess dress. Harper was trying to show "how big" she was.

Laughing at her daddy I think........
Harper is walking everywhere now. She is into everything and constantly on the go! She keeps us all busy.

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

The summer has gone by too fast!!!

We have had a great summer....can't believe it is almost over!

Harper started using the excersaucer(sp?) and she loves it! She hardly ever uses the baby swing or even the bouncy seat anymore because she wiggles so much that she can just about wiggle herself out of them.
When Harper gets really sleepy she will fall asleep anywhere. It doesn't matter what is going on around her. Avery seemed to think she needed some of her toys with her while she slept.
We went to Crown Center to check out the Clifford Exhibit and play in the fountains. Chloe loved the water right away but it took Avery a little bit to get comfortable with it. She tried to wear her towel in the water at first! It was a great free activity though!

Happy 4th of July!!!
Avery started taking dance classes. She seems to be having a great time with it!
Avery and Mallory after their first dance class!
Erik and I celebrated our 4th Wedding Anniversary on the 8th. We saw Grown Ups, did a little shopping and went out for a great dinner!
We took a weekend trip to the lake with some friends. It was so great to get away and just hang out. The kids all had fun swimming and playing. This is Harper and Henry. For some reason I couldn't get the other pictures on here of Avery and Mallory.
Playdate with our friend Hudson. We went up to the Northland to the spray park. The kids loved it. There was a playground next to it that we played at afterwards.

Avery had a PJ party for her 3rd birthday. It was so HOT that day but she had a great time!! Of course I didn't have my camera out but this was some of the kids dancing to Dora. We had a projector up and they watched it on a big screen!
Harper in the Johnny Jumper. She is bouncing but not really jumping yet....unless Avery has a hold of the straps and then she is really going!
Avery gave Harper her first bite of the rice cereal. She wasn't too crazy about it but is getting better with it. She was a mess the first night though!

We went to the Lakewood Beach on Avery's birthday. It was so fun! Emma was stealing Harper's binkie. I think we have avery similar picture of Chloe stealing Avery's when they were this age!
Avery and Chloe had a great time at the beach. They swam so well on their own and attempted to make a sandcastle. Uncle Nicky helped them feed the ducks with all the food they dropped in the sand.
Avery got a big girl bike for her bday. She hasn't totally taken it for a ride yet. She is still pretty hesitant. She rode it all around Wal-mart so I know she can but we are just waiting for her to get up the courage to do it here. It is blue...of course!
Still can't believe Avery is 3!! When I logged on to update the blog I had to make a new countdown for her next birthday. I made it say that she was 3 years and 4 days......I wasn't ready for the one that said we had only 11 months and 26 days until she was 4!!!!!
Hope everyone is having a great summer!!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Busy Couple of Weeks

We have had a busy couple of weeks. Erik and I got an ice cream maker for our wedding that I am embarrassed to say we had never used. Until now...Avery made some ice cream! And of course, it was blue:) It was actually very tasty. I also cannot get over how old she looks in this picture-she is getting so big!
She thought it was excellent! It was pretty easy-we will be making more!
Harper is 4 months old and has started rolling over. She is such a happy baby!
the girls
We had a playdate with all the girls I play bunko with. It was quite the group. From the left is Peyton Smith, Maddox Johnson and those are his new little sisters in front-Laney and Emerson, Mallory and Henry Pierce, Harper and Avery.

We went to the zoo and it was HOT!!! Harper was a trooper but I'm not sure she was really having that much fun.
The big kids didn't seem to mind the heat though. Chloe is on the far left and Avery is right in the middle. The other 3 are my friend Erica's triplets. I believe Mady is on the left and Emmy and Carson are to the right of Avery. It was fun seeing all the animals and the kids were all great but I think we might go for an indoor activity next time!
Happy Father's Day!! We went miniature golfing and to do the go-karts for Father's Day. Avery did well the first few holes and then was more interested in being another obstacle for Erik and I. But she was happy and having fun so we were ok with that. We only made it 9 holes before we moved on to the go-karts.
She really liked her ride with her daddy! She said he was going pretty fast. She has become very observant in the car lately. The other day she asked Erik why he was going when the light was red and he had to attempt to explain that you can turn right on red if no cars are coming. And then she insisted on getting in the front seat when we got home so he could tell her what the speedometer was and how it worked. She can't be getting into cars already-she has a long ways to go before she is getting one!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

We Love Summer!!

Harper is getting so big!! She is just smiling, laughing and starting to really interact. Avery is having a lot of fun with her now!
Happy Birthday Chloe!!! She is 3 now and Avery will be right behind her.
Avery, Chloe and Marin at Chloe's Dorothy Zoo party.
Gymnastics Class: Avery loves it! She does the bars, the balance beam and is learning how to do somersaults. They got medals on the last night of this session and one of the little girls brought everyone a beanie baby. We are doing it again this summer though.

We have two little fishies! We have been to the pool almost every day. Avery is doing great swimming with just her floaties and not needing us to hold her all the time. And boy does she sleep good after an hour at the pool!!
Harper really likes the water too. She is 4 months old now:)
First trip to Deanna Rose for the summer. Avery, Mallory and Chloe had a great time!

Even Harper liked seeing all the animals!
Avery and Mallory started T-ball. It is a lot more technical than the soccer was but I think they will like it.

Chloe had her first dance debut!! She did great and was just so cute up there! Avery is doing a little dance camp this summer so we will see how she does.